hands-summer-party-colorful-largeHappy Monday!  Guess what?!  I’m 30 years old today!  30!!!  That feels like such a grown-up age to me.  No, I’m not one of those people that think 30 is old, nor am I someone that doesn’t celebrate my birthday.  Can you tell? Ha!  I LOVE birthdays!  Yours, mine, and ours!  An entire day (or month, the older I get) dedicated to celebrating the fact that you are alive?  I’m in!

Anyway, with all this new-found wisdom (I kid, I kid), I thought it would be fun to compile a list of 30 things I have learned up until this age.  I certainly don’t know it all, but I do know a few things to be true (for me, from my own experience)  and thought I would share them.  I know I will continue to learn and grow, and that is so exciting to me!


  1. Everything happens for a reason, my friends.  Also, it’s helpful to remember: what goes around, comes around.
  2. While we may be equal, men and women are different.
  3. Finding a spiritual practice that you connect with is enlightening in and of itself.  Whether you’re part of an organized religion or you’re an atheist, you can still have a spiritual practice that works for you.
  4. Moisturizing your skin really does make a difference.
  5. Never stop learning.  Education is beyond the classroom, and knowledge is timeless.
  6. Relationships of all kinds take work, and are completely worth it.  However, that doesn’t mean they need to be difficult.
  7. Don’t let your past dictate your future.  Be grateful for the lesson, and move on.
  8. Quality > quantity.  Those Forever 21 dresses may be cute for a few wears, but a classic LBD will last for years.  This goes for just about everything in life.
  9. The older you get, the more you appreciate your parents.
  10. Worrying doesn’t help an already seemingly negative situation.  In fact, the situation most likely isn’t as bad as you think it is in the first place.
  11. Listen to the advice of others, but always do what feels best in your heart.
  12. Tests, quizzes, and grades do not determine your success.
  13. Our thoughts and words create our reality.  Choose wisely.
  14. Drinking a glass of water in between alcoholic beverages works wonders.
  15. Forgiveness does much more for yourself than it does for others.
  16. Travel as often and as much as you possibly can.  There are so many beautiful places in the world, and they are filled when even more beautiful people.
  17. Don’t put up with people that don’t value your worth.  Period.
  18. Give of yourself.  Like attracts like, goodness attracts more goodness.  Volunteer, donate, etc.  It isn’t about money, it’s about intention.  Kindness counts.
  19. Invest in yourself: mind, body, and spirit.  You’re worth it!
  20. Diets don’t work.  Listening to your body does.  P.S. If you don’t love yourself at a size 16, you’re not going to love yourself at a size 2.
  21. If you like something about someone else, tell them!  Whether it is their shoes, the way they smile, their sense of humor, whatever.  People like compliments!
  22. Be present.  Show up in life.  Do the work.  Live fully.
  23. Figure out what your partner likes, and do more of it.  That can be interpreted many ways, but the main essence is that love languages are indeed real.
  24. You always look better in photos than you actually think.  Trust me.  Look at photos from when you thought you looked “ugly, fat, skinny, etc.”  You were gorgeous.  You still are!
  25. It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to do with your life.  I’ll let you in on a little secret: most people don’t.  With that being said, try new things until you figure out what you enjoy.  You can never have too many tools in your tool belt.
  26. Just because you don’t agree with someone and their beliefs, doesn’t mean you can’t have respect for one another.
  27. People come in and out of our lives for a purpose.  Sometimes they are there forever, other times it is only for a brief encounter.  Cherish those moments.
  28. Keep in contact with your siblings.  They may even turn out to your best friends.
  29. Move your body!  You don’t need to run a marathon or become a world class gymnast, simply stretch or take a walk.  Your body is magnificent, and you’ll be thankful when you’re older.
  30. Most importantly, LOVE.  Love yourself, love others, just love.  It’s the greatest gift you can give and receive.

photo 3Thank you for taking the time to spend my birthday with me!  What is something that YOU have learned in life that you want others to know, too?  Please share!

xo.  Jen


IMG_0643Happy Friday, friends!  This week has been super busy for me, which is why I missed blogging on Wednesday.  I decided to give myself so extra self-care, and relax.  I’m so glad I did!

Today I have some fun Friday favorites that I have been loving lately.  Join me!

  1. Greg sent me an early Valentine’s Day succulent arrangement from Brad Larsen Florals, and it is absolutely stunning.  Every little detail is gorgeous!  Thank you honey, and thank you Brad for creating magic!
  2. This amazing article by my sweet friend Paige at Healthy Hits the Spot is so amazing!
  3. Homemade margaritas.  My simple recipe: 5 thinly sliced pieces of jalapeno, 1 part tequila to 2 parts fresh squeezed orange juice, 3 ice cubes.  Add to a cocktail shaker, and shake, shake, shake.  Pour over ice and ENJOY!  Mmmmm….
  4. Sprucing up our house.  Maybe it’s an early spring cleaning (it has been in the high 80’s lately) or just who I am, but I have been loving doing things around the house.  We recently bought a few new pieces of furniture for our bedroom, and I have been having so much fun beautifying others areas of our home, too!
  5. Bengee’s Ice Cream here in Pasadena.  Holy moly, they seriously have the best vegan nice cream I have ever had.  I got 1/2 amaretto and 1/2 mint chip.  So good!  I even Yelped them!  Ha!

IMG_0671What have you been loving lately?  I’m almost ready to start a new book.  Any recommendations?  Have a fantastic weekend!

xo.  Jen

P.S.  I have a VERY special post on Monday.  Can’t wait to share!



FullSizeRenderHappy Friday, friends!  The past few weeks I have been having fun sharing a few of my recent favorites with you.  We’re on to round three now!

  1. Sweet potatoes for breakfast!  I’ve always loved sweet potatoes, but last Sunday I roasted like 6 lbs. of them (super simple: clean, chop, add a little olive oil & seasoning, cook for 40 mins at 400°), and had them almost every day for breakfast this week.  They are great with eggs, avocado, greens, and just about anything else that sounds good.  YUM!
  2. This essential oil diffuser!  It works great, diffuses my oils beautifully, and is super reasonably priced.
  3. Listening to reggae music while I work.  Put’s me in the best mood, but I can still concentrate on what I am working on.
  4. Afternoon coffee.  Twice this week I skipped my morning coffee (simply because I felt like having extra lemon water), and had it in the afternoon instead.  I didn’t miss it in the morning, and it felt like a fun treat in the afternoon to go to Starbucks.
  5. Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food by Jan Chozen Bays, MD.  I picked this book up last weekend for some further education, and have been really enjoying it!

What have YOU been loving lately?  I’d love to hear!

Have a wonderful weekend!

xo.  Jen


IMG_0430Hi beauties!  I’ve mentioned a few times that I have been reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, and gosh do I love it.  I imagine that Ms. Gilbert talks an awful lot like she writes, which I absolutely love.  She’s authentic and vulnerable and creative.  Which is exactly what the book is about: creative living beyond fear.  Doesn’t that just sound magical?

I wanted to share one of my favorite parts of the book thus far with you (don’t worry, I’m not giving anything major away).  Gilbert writes about living creatively at any age, and shares a story about a close friend of hers.  Her friend excelled at and loved figure skating as a child, but stopped when she was an adolescent with fear of not being a champion, AKA not good enough. Gilbert says, “Ah, lovely adolescence–when the ‘talented’ are officially shunted off from the herd, thus putting the total burden of society’s creative dreams on the thin shoulders of a few select souls, while condemning everyone else to live a more commonplace, inspiration-free existence!  What a system…”  While she says this with a hint of sarcastic humor, how true is this for so many?  Unfortunately, it was very true for me.  Thankfully, I finally exited that phase of low self-esteem and worthiness issues, but, just like most humans, I feel twinges of it occasionally.  The difference now is that I have the tools to deal with those feelings, and that’s what I want to get into today.


Well, that’s a pretty loaded question, and it is completely different for everyone.  In the spirit of transparency (and major vulnerability) I am going to share mine, because chances are someone will connect with it on some level.  Mine started when I was about 12.  I was uprooted out of my comfort zone, moved to a new town, started a new school, and was forced to meet new people.  In retrospect, I am very grateful for this (and absolutely do NOT blame my parents on any level), but at the time it sucked.  The middle-school years are when children are learning, growing, and figuring out who they are and how they fit into the world, and THEN hormones are thrown in on top of it.  I felt the need to shy away at what I was passionate about (and good at) in fear of what others would think about me.  I didn’t speak up, in fact my voice was less heard.  On top of all that, my body was changing.  I have curves by nature (which I now love), but at that time it was just awkward.  As you can imagine, fear ran it’s ugly little head and my worth started to diminish.  This basically went on for the next 13ish years…


I truly wish I could wave a magic wand and tell you that this can happen in seconds, but the truth is, it’s a process.  A process that is different and deep for everyone.  Here are a few different ways that guided and assisted me on my own path:

  • Try to figure out the root of where these feelings are stemming from, and go from there.  Things that helped me along the process: journaling, talking to those close to me, finding a spiritual community that I connected with (this was HUGE for me), and practicing self-care.
  • Recognize your fears, and ask yourself why you are afraid.  There is no judgement in being fearful, but sometimes honoring why you are feeling that way is the first step in release.
  • Be gentle with yourself.  In my opinion, this is most important.  As a society we have such a tendency to want immediate gratification, that we tend to forget that life is a process.  Be gentle with yourself throughout the process.

As you can see, this book has sparked a lot of inspiration and creativity within me, and I highly recommend it.  I hope this post was helpful for you, and if there is any way that I can be of support to you, please reach out.  I’d love to chat!

xo.  Jen



food-healthy-coffee-cup-largeHi friends!  Jumping right in today…

I feel like so many people that I come into contact with have an “all or nothing” mentality when it comes to how they take care of their mind and body.  Maybe I recognize it because it was something that I dealt with heavily in the past, and I can only imagine the emotional weight that may be on their heart?  Maybe it’s because now I know how good it feels to be in balance, and I couldn’t imagine going back?  Either way, today I am here to chat about the differences between balance and extreme.

This is what EXTREME looks, feels, sounds, and tastes like to me.  I say to me, because this is all from past personal experience.  Everyone’s experience is different.
  • I’m going to be 100% vegan, gluten-free, low-sugar, and Ayurvedic ALL AT THE SAME TIME!  No cheese, no caffeine, no sourdough, no alcohol, no eggs, no fun, only kale.
  • I don’t have X amount of followers on Instagram so I must be a total loser.
  • That chocolate cake looks heavenly, but I can’t eat it because it must have 3956310 calories.  Oh, that’s okay, I’ll eat it anyway and run six miles tomorrow to make up for it.
  • If I am not as enlightened as Deepak Chopra and Oprah combined, then I am doomed for failure.
  • Fainting spells due to my body being in starvation mode.
  • The “Fuck It” mentality.  IE: “Fuck it, I had a hard day at work and deserve that huge plate of nachos and 7 margaritas!”  When later you are guilt ridden, bloated, and left with a nasty hangover.
This is what BALANCE looks, feels, sounds, and tastes like to me.  I say to me, because this is all from current personal experience.  Again, everyone’s experience is different.
  • Intuitive eating.  Most times that naturally looks vegan, gluten-free, low-sugar, and Ayurvedic, but other times it looks like pizza and beer.  Yay for choices!
  • Knowing that the people I connect with in business and in my personal life are there for a reason.
  • Chocolate cake can be delicious!  Especially when mindful about it.
  • Enlightenment is not a destination, it’s a journey.  Not sure if I heard that somewhere or made it up, but it really resonates with me.
  • Listening to my body rocks!  I nourish her with yummy foods, and treat her with kindness.  Oh ya, I haven’t fainted since!
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating nachos and drinking margaritas. However, taking into consideration why you’re doing something is super important.

We all have a tendency to go to the extreme in some situations, and that’s totally okay.  We are human after all!  The difference is recognizing why it may be occurring, and coming back to center.  If balance is something that you want more of in your life I encourage you to make a list of all the things you want to feel and experience.  Sometimes writing it down, letting it out, and recognizing what we really do what can do wonders.

If you are ready for transformation and want to have a more balanced approach in life, I have two remaining coaching spots available for the month of February, and would love to provide you with a consultation.  I am here to support you in whatever way feels right to you, and can’t wait to talk!

xo.  Jen


pexels-photo-largeHappy Friday, friends!  I thought it would be fun to share some of my recent favorites with you. Things I’ve been loving, what I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been doing, etc.  Sound fun?  Okay, let’s go!

  1. Started using my Desire Map Planner (I have the black and gold one, but it looks like they are out of it now) at the beginning of the year, and I LOVE it!  It supplies you with the best prompts, and keeps me organized at the same time.
  2. Loving this juice combo lately!
  3. I bought this microdermabrasion system (similar to Clarisonic) a while back, and only used it a few times (then kinda forgot about it, ooops!).  Well, in light of the recent chilly weather and use of the heater, my skin has been super dry.  I’ve been using this every other day, then lathering my face with coconut oil.  My skin feels amazing, and is super hydrated.  P.S. Not sponsored, just love it!  Ha!
  4. My friend, mentor, and minister, Bonnie Rose, wrote this amazing post on her blog, Holy Chit.  It really got me thinking of how I want to show up in 2016 (and life in general).  Plus, there is a really great process to get you started.
  5. I really enjoyed writing this post on setting boundaries, and apparently so did a lot of you!  Did you read it?  Thanks for the love!

What have YOU been loving lately?  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

xo.  Jen

P.S. With Monday being a holiday, I will be taking it off and spending time with family.  Feel free to keep up with me over on Instagram.  See you next Wednesday!



Happy Wednesday, friends!  Ahh…is anyone else still out of their routine from the holidays? Plus, with New Years in a few days, I feel like it may take a few extra days to recoup.  I’m totally okay with that though.  More time to focus on gentle self-care.  My fave!  Side note: was 2015 the quickest year yet?  Geesh!

pexels-photo-12233-largeWith the new year upon us lots of folks like to set resolutions they want to attain for the upcoming year.  I really don’t think anyone has ill-intent, in fact it is usually the opposite, when setting these said goals, but for me, they often seem super strict, and semi-unattainable.  Hear me out as to why…we (and I say WE because in the past I have sooooo been there) put so much pressure on ourselves to lose those 5 10 15 pounds, or get that super awesome promotion, or whatever.  Then, the moment we eat that donut, or make a simple mistake at the office, all goes out the window.  Doesn’t seem very gentle or fair, now does it?

Instead, I like to look at the new year with intention.  What feels good to me?  Is there something that needs to be released?  What kinds of food and exercise bring me joy, rather than make me feel restricted?  Is there an area where I need to hold myself accountable?  Also, and this one is huge, if you skip over something, or don’t make something happen, this is completely okay.   Be gentle on yourself, and know that everything unfolds exactly how it is supposed to.

coffee-cup-desk-pen-largeLast year I shared my list of intentions for 2015, and this was really fun for me.  Below is my list of intentions for 2016.  You’ll notice that nothing is super specific, and this was on purpose. Normally, I find joy in the details (and still do), but this year, I am really going to try to focus on the broad picture and see what happens.  Right now, that feels good to me.  Again, I’m also allowing myself permission to change at any point in time.

Intentions for 2016Do you have any intentions for 2016?  Any rituals or things you like to do to start off the new year?  I’d love to hear your thoughts!

xo.  Jen

P.S.  I haven’t decided if I am going to post on Friday (New Years day), or wait until Monday.  You’ll have to check in and see!


Happy Friday, friends!  I thought it would be fun to do an interview recap post today, for those that haven’t read them, and for those who want to read them again (ME!!).  Take a peek below at some of my fave Q+A’s with some incredible, powerful, and stunning women!

ashten and gatsbyAshten Giardine from Just Go Left

Bonnie and Hugh Rose March 15, 2015 Not for resale without permission Copyright Gerard Burkhart Photo 2016.Rev. Bonnie Rose from VCSL


Raquel & Marisol from She Arises

Raven1Raven Pinsker, Professional Make-Up Artist

Heisler_K_Helya031Helya Naghibi from The Studio

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetStephanie from Love Living Whole

I hope you all enjoyed this round-up of interviews with some spectacular women!  Aren’t they amazing?!  Sending you all love, and hope you have a fantastic weekend!

xo.  Jen

P.S. Don’t forget to enter Week 3 of my Holiday Giveaway for your chance to win a gorgeous Himalayan Sea Salt Lamp!


Good morning, and happy Friday!  By reader request, I am sharing some of my favorite solo-date ideas today!  Whether you’re single or in a relationship, I feel like taking time to do things for yourself deepens your self-care on such a rich level (here is a fun example).  Self-care is so important, bcause it nourishes your mind, body, and spirit, while helping you rejuvenate!

I like to compare self-care to the airplane demonstration.  Do you know which one I’m taking about?  When the flight attendant tells you that you need to put on your oxygen mask first, before helping others.  Well, self-care is so similar!  We must take care of ourselves (on an inner and outer level), before we can take care of others.  Let’s dive in to some examples of some of my favorite solo date ideas!

blur-old-antique-book-largeHead to your local bookstore

One of my absolute favorite things in the world is going to a bookstore (or my local library), getting a cup of coffee, and finding a cozy spot to curl up with a book.  This is SO fun for me, but also really relaxing.


There is nothing more fulfilling then giving of yourself with pure intention.  Plus, you end up meeting amazing people!  Some great places are local soup kitchens, The Boys and Girls Club, your spiritual center, and city organized events (beach clean-ups and the like).  I’ve also used Volunteer Match in the past for some really fun opportunities.

restaurant-coffee-cup-cappuccino-largeHead the coffee shop (or your own kitchen)

So simple, so perfect!  Even though coffee has caffeine, there is something about it that is so relaxing to me.  Plus, coffee brings me so much JOY!

pexels-photo-largeDo something creative

Whether it’s attending a local concert or going the museum, or picking up the paintbrush at home, creativity sparks so much happiness and brings so many therapeutic feelings (for me anyhow).

Indulge in some pampering

Ahhh!  There is nothing like relaxation!  Treat yourself and get a massage, facial, manicure, or pedicure.  Or, go all out and spend a day doing it yourself at home!  I love having spa days! 🙂

pexels-photo-12346-large (1)Sweat it out

Take a walk, attend a local fitness class, do yoga in your living room.  Sweating is good for the body, and great for the mind!

Watch a movie

Who says you need to have a date to go the theater?  I’ve seen plenty of movies at the theater by myself, and it’s fun!  If that’s not your thing, curling up on the couch is just as great!  PLUS, you can wear your jammies!

creative-desk-pens-school-largeTake a class

Into ceramics?  Try taking a pottery class at your local city college or ceramics studio?  Have you wanted to learn Photoshop, but just haven’t done it?  There are classes online!  You’re never too old (or young) to continue learning!

Go exploring

Explore your own city!  Even if you have lived somewhere for yearssss, I’m willing to bet that there is still a restaurant or park that you haven’t been to.  Go check it out!

I hope these ideas spark some inspiration for you!  How do you like to take care of yourself? What are some of your favorite solo-date ideas?

xo.  Jen


Good morning!  How was your weekend?  Are you getting excited for Thanksgiving?  I sure am! This weekend was so fulfilling to me.  We didn’t go anywhere exciting, or do anything out of the ordinary, but it was AWESOME.  Since we’ve been gone the past few weekends, I really wanted to deep-clean, organize, cook, run errands, rearrange furniture, and do lots of home related stuff.  To me this sort of stuff is so fun and rejuvenating!  Is anyone else like that (besides my mother, HA!)?  The best part was doing it all with Greg, and taking fun meal and beverage breaks in between.  That made it much more special!  Plus, we were extra hungry this weekend with all of the running around, and deep-cleaning.  Not my standard version of exercise, but I definitely worked up a nice sweat.  😉 Take a peek!

photo 1

photo 2Friday night Greg worked late, so Charlie and I had a quiet evening of rearranging items in the house, while I ate a yummy salad and sipped a nice red.  Yum!

photo 3Saturday morning we began cleaning, then headed out to run errands.  Before we started, we tried a new place for breakfast.  I ordered chilaquiles (my fave), and it was DELICIOUS.  As you can see, there was a lot of food.  I ate most of my chilaquiles and salad, and left the rest. This held me over almost all day, which was great!  We then started our errands.  Dollar store, Michaels, Target, and Trader Joe’s (for all of our Thanksgiving essentials)!  Busy day!

photo 5

photo 4That evening I made a big batch of veggie enchiladas to have for the next few days (to limit as much cooking as possible pre-Thanksgiving day).  We also had a yummy kombucha cocktail made with Kevita’s Pineapple-Peach Kombucha + vodka.  So refreshing!

photo 1

photo 2Sunday morning was quiet, followed by lots of organizing.  Isn’t that photo of Greg and Charlie precious?  I want to frame it!  Love my boys!

photo 3Later that day we ran a few more errands, and stopped for burgers.  Holy moly, my veggie burger was amazing.  So many veggies, and a house-made veggie patty.  Yummy!

Intuitive eating side note: I totally noticed a difference in what my body was wanting this weekend (change of weather and routine).  She wanted more protein, carbs, and fats, which is totally okay.  This held me over, gave me energy to check off my to-do list without getting burned out, and I didn’t “over do it.”   If intuitive eating is something you want to learn more about, let’s chat!

It was a great weekend, and I feel like we got so much accomplished.  I love that!  I hope you all have a great day, and I will see you Wednesday!

xo.  Jen