Happy Wednesday, friends!  Ahh…is anyone else still out of their routine from the holidays? Plus, with New Years in a few days, I feel like it may take a few extra days to recoup.  I’m totally okay with that though.  More time to focus on gentle self-care.  My fave!  Side note: was 2015 the quickest year yet?  Geesh!

pexels-photo-12233-largeWith the new year upon us lots of folks like to set resolutions they want to attain for the upcoming year.  I really don’t think anyone has ill-intent, in fact it is usually the opposite, when setting these said goals, but for me, they often seem super strict, and semi-unattainable.  Hear me out as to why…we (and I say WE because in the past I have sooooo been there) put so much pressure on ourselves to lose those 5 10 15 pounds, or get that super awesome promotion, or whatever.  Then, the moment we eat that donut, or make a simple mistake at the office, all goes out the window.  Doesn’t seem very gentle or fair, now does it?

Instead, I like to look at the new year with intention.  What feels good to me?  Is there something that needs to be released?  What kinds of food and exercise bring me joy, rather than make me feel restricted?  Is there an area where I need to hold myself accountable?  Also, and this one is huge, if you skip over something, or don’t make something happen, this is completely okay.   Be gentle on yourself, and know that everything unfolds exactly how it is supposed to.

coffee-cup-desk-pen-largeLast year I shared my list of intentions for 2015, and this was really fun for me.  Below is my list of intentions for 2016.  You’ll notice that nothing is super specific, and this was on purpose. Normally, I find joy in the details (and still do), but this year, I am really going to try to focus on the broad picture and see what happens.  Right now, that feels good to me.  Again, I’m also allowing myself permission to change at any point in time.

Intentions for 2016Do you have any intentions for 2016?  Any rituals or things you like to do to start off the new year?  I’d love to hear your thoughts!

xo.  Jen

P.S.  I haven’t decided if I am going to post on Friday (New Years day), or wait until Monday.  You’ll have to check in and see!


Happy Friday, friends!  Did this week completely zoom by, or was it just me?  I swear it was Monday like five minutes ago!

photo 4Silly title, right?  Well, the more time I spend with my pup Charlie (AKA the best dog companion friend in the world), the more I realize that he is so freaking smart.  Yes, I know most dog owners say that about their canine, but really, IT’S TRUE!  HA!  In fact, I think dog’s in general are so intuitive, and today I am here to share why!


Sure, he eat’s to live, but he most certainly does not live to eat.  Charlie enjoys his food, and eats calmly.  He won’t try to impress us, beg, or anything else, and only eats when his body alerts him to.  Also, he knows what he likes, and what he doesn’t like, and doesn’t eat food just because it is there.  Such an intuitive eater!


Charlie LOVES to go on walks!  He enjoys the fresh air, is always on the lookout for other dogs and squirrels, and when he is done, HE’S DONE!


We don’t know how Charlie ended up at the Humane Society, but it’s hard to believe how anyone could let him go (or any animal for that matter).  He has clearly done some forgiveness work, because when Charlie is with us, he is 100% in the moment.  We’re simply grateful for his journey, because it allowed us all to be together.


This snuggle monster is such a lover!  His favorite thing in the world is to be with Greg and I (side note: I swear I have photos of Greg and Charlie, but they are either blurry or not wanting to upload), either on the couch, in the car, on a walk, etc.  At first I thought it was abandonment issues, and it very well may be, but then I realized that he just really adores us.  The feeling is obviously mutual.  🙂

photo 2Now, the questions that I am taking with me into the day is, how can I be more like Charlie?  How can we all be more loving, kind, and present with one another?  I’d love to hear your answers!

Have a fantastic weekend!

xo.  Jen

P.S. Wasn’t this a great reason to share a ton of photos of him?!  HA!




food-salad-restaurant-person-mediumHi friends!  Today I am here to talk about intuitive eating.  We, as humans, are intuitive by nature, and I feel that absolutely extends to our eating.  However, we (myself included) don’t always follow our intuition.  Intuitive eating is the idea that when we listen to and trust our bodies, we are naturally led to a way of eating that is best for us based on an individual level.

Who likes being on a restrictive diet?  I see zero hands raised.  Intuitive eating is the opposite of dieting. Dieting leads us to believe that there are “good” foods and “bad” foods, and when we don’t follow our diet strictly, we often feel guilty, and end up eating emotionally anyway.  No fun. P.S. I only know this because in the past, I HAVE BEEN THERE, way tooooo many times!

food-salad-dinner-eating-largeLet’s take a deeper look at intuitive eating, and how we can all connect with our inner intuition on a deeper level.

  • Listen for your hunger.  Often times people eat because of one or more of the following reasons: the clock says it is 6:00pm and that is “dinner time,” our friends are eating so we should join them, out of habit, etc.
  • Finish eating when you feel satisfied.  On a scale of 1 (starving, belly completely empty) – 10 (full, stuffed to the max), I feel best when I begin eating at a 3, and stop at a 7/8.  If we eat when we’re famished, we tend to eat everything in sight, and very quickly and mindlessly.  When we eat when we’re not hungry, more often than not, this is emotional and on a deeper level.  Something I always tell myself is “if you’re still hungry in 30 minutes, eat again.”  This always helps, and 99% of the time, I am not hungry later on.
  • Eat things that taste delicious, and make you feel nourished.  Food is not only a source of energy, but it is meant to be pleasurable!  I’m not saying every meal for the remainder of your life has to be a 5 star gourmet experience, but what I am saying is that it should taste good!  Studies have shown that when we truly enjoy our food, whether it is a bowl of Brussel sprouts or a slice of chocolate cake, it nourishes us on a greater cellular level.
  • Pay attention to how your body reacts.  Notice how your body feels after you eat.  Do you feel light with more energy, or sluggish and like you want to take a nap?  Do you feel saisfied, or like you need to eat 20 minutes later?  Any physical reactions (intestinal, headaches, etc.) may be a sign or an sensitivity or allergy.
  • Trust yourself.  We are all unique individuals, and we all require different types of food to fuel our bodies.  What works for one person, may not work for the next (hence why diets don’t work).  Trust that your body knows what to do, and recognize when she will always provide you with the right nutrition.

photo 5 (2)Look at the photo above (taken on a trip to NYC with two of my favorite gal pals and fellow health coaches, Paige & Simi).  This is me.  All of me.  I’m not a size 2, nor do I have rock hard abs.  I have curves, soft skin, and strong legs.  I eat intuitively, I am STILL on my own personal journey and have days where I “feel all the feelings,” but most importantly…I am happy and healthy.

I hope this post was helpful!  If you are interested in learning more about intuitive eating, health coaching, or just want to explore, I’d love to provide you with a consultation.  Can’t wait to chat!

xo.  Jen


Happy Friday!  Yesterday we talked about how you can “Have your cake, and eat it too.”  Did you see it?  If not, I would suggest you take a peek at it before your read this post.  🙂

A lot of you read yesterday’s post, and I received quite a few emails saying how much it resonated with some of you, and how helpful it was.  With a holiday weekend coming up, often times this can bring up a lot of mixed emotions surrounding food.  I know in the past for myself, I would feel so anxious about going to a BBQ or party because how on earth was I supposed to enjoy a meal, when I was feeling guilty about it?  Have any of you ever felt this way? Next week we are going to talk a bit more about this, so if you have any questions, please let me know!

With all that being said, today I thought I would give you a little freebie that you can print out, and keep with you as a reminder to check-in with yourself if ever you feel stressed or anxious before you have a meal.  And always remember: be gentle with yourself.

AWARENESS CHECK-INDownload your free Awareness Check-In printable here.

I hope you have an awesome Labor Day weekend, doing exactly what sounds enjoyable to you! I will be back next Tuesday for my three-day weekend recap!

xo.  Jen

P.S. I have one more coaching spot available for September!  If you’re ready for more self-love, and a better relationship between food and your body, sign up for a complimentary consult.  I’d love to chat with you!




Good morning, friends!  I hope this day is treating you well!  First of all, I want to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you.  I woke up this morning with a super emotional, sappy, and sensitive Pisces heart, feeling so very grateful for my life, and that includes all of you!  Thank you, thank you, thank you! Big hugs to each of you!

food-sweet-cake-glace-icing-largeOkay, love fest aside, I want to talk about how you (yes, YOU) can “Have your cake, and eat it too!”  How does that sound?  Let’s jump in!

The other day I had this really strong sensation to bake a homemade cake, and eat it.  Now, to most that may seem normal, but to me it was a bit odd.  Not because baking or eating cake is odd, but mainly because I don’t really like cake.  It’s just kinda blah to me.  I’m much more of a brownie type of gal.  Anyway, cake was still on my mind in the evening, so I headed to the kitchen to get my bake on!  I went through my cookbooks and found a recipe for a dark, rich, chocolate cake.  This sounded perfect to me!  Yum!  I measured, scooped, mixed, blended, poured and completely enjoyed baking this cake made with REAL ingredients.  Organic butter, natural sugar, fresh eggs made by happy chickens (I know this for a fact, ha!), and other super high quality ingredients.  It made enough for three 8″ round pans, so I was super excited to pop them in the oven, and turn them into a beautiful layered cake.

While the cake was baking, I was on to making the frosting.  Again, super weird for me, because not only do I not care for cake that much, but I realllllyyyy don’t care for frosting.  It’s just too sweet for me.  BUT, I trusted my intuition, and went with it.  I wanted a less-sweet version than normal frosting, so I made one up.  Greg sifted some powdered sugar for me (he was so dang cute doing it too), and I blended a little butter, unsweetened chocolate, and ricotta (my special ingredient) together.  This turned out to be absolutely perfect!

When the cake was done, I let it cool, then started constructing it.  Layer of cake, layer of frosting, layer of cake, layer of frosting, layer of cake, final layer of frosting.  I decided I didn’t want a ton of frosting, so I didn’t do the sides.  It was a very beautiful, artsy cake that I was so enthralled with I forgot to take a photo.  🙂

hands-summer-party-colorful-largeThis is how the rest went:

  • I sliced myself (and Greg of course) an average sized slice of cake on a pretty plate (because a pretty piece of cake deserves a pretty plate, right?)
  • I sat down, uninterrupted.  No phone, no TV, no distractions.
  • I briefly checked in with myself.  Do I still want this piece of cake? Yes.  How hungry am I on a scale of 1 to 10? 6 (this is something we can dive deeper into in another post).
  • I took my first bite, and proceeded to chew.  I tasted the flavors: the richness of the chocolate, the fluffyness of the cake, the smooth texture of the frosting.  It was delicious.
  • On to the most important step (for me anyway): I ate about 3/4 of my piece, and then…I was done.  I listened to my body and she told me, “You’re done.  That’s all you need for now.”

I had one of those moments of clarity and utter joy afterwards that went like this:

This is NOT something that would have happened before I discovered intuitive eating. Previously, I probably wouldn’t have even made a cake.  I wouldn’t have truly listened to my body and what she really wanted.  If I did make the cake, I would have done so hastily with whatever ingredients I could reach for the fastest.  I wouldn’t have waited for the cake to cool, and probably would have burnt my fingers taking the cake out of the pan.  I then would have quickly tossed a huge piece of cake on the closest plate, and plopped myself on the couch in front of whatever was on television.  I would have mindlessly eaten that piece of cake, then probably binged on at least one to two slices more.  THEN, I would have felt so guilty, embarrassed, and disgusted with myself that I’d probably then throw the remainder of the cake away so it wouldn’t happen again.  If this sounds even remotely familiar to you, please know that you are not alone, and that intuitive eating and listening to your body is completely possible.

I now know that I can totally listen to my body, and give her what she wants.  I know that I can stop eating when I am full, BECAUSE I can have whatever I want, whenever I want.  There is plenty of cake (insert whatever other food you really enjoy) out there!

And that my friends, is how you can “Have your cake, and eat it too!”

photoMy slice of cake. 🙂

If this is something you can relate to, I have two more spots open for private health coaching in September.  This is where I have one-on-one sessions (with clients all over the world), and true transformation occurs.  Contact me, and we can set up a complimentary consultation.

xo.  Jen



Good morning!  Yesterday I shared part of my trip in NYC with photos, and today I am going to share lots of the yummy eats we had in NYC, and WHERE we had them.

I believe in intuitive eating.  I have written about this in the past, but basically what that means to me, is that I eat what my body is wanting (whether that is a kale salad or a popsicle).  What it also means to me, is that I listen to my body when she is full, know there is always enough if I want more in the future.  I will definitely be sharing more about intuitive eating, as well as my own personal journey in the future.  For now, follow along to see my intuitive NYC eats below…

photo 1On Thursday evening we had dinner plans, but wanted a small bite to hold us over before hand. We headed to The Little Prince where we shared a delicious avocado tartine, and a crispy kale, butternut squash & quinoa salad.  So good!  You can also see my cocktail (called The French Intervention) which had jalapeño tequila, pineapple and cilantro.  Mmm…

After our appetizers, we met up with friends at Hundred Acres for dinner.  I didn’t take any photos, but had cornmeal crusted catfish for dinner.  It was delicious, and had a great southern flare.

photo 2

photo 2 (2)On Friday morning we headed to Hu Kitchen for an amazing paleo breakfast.  I had a coconut matcha latte and a mash bowl, which had grain-free granola, cashew cream, almond butter, and kiwi.  This is definitely something that I want to recreate!  Also, I brought that divine salty chocolate bar home for Greg myself, and am sharing with Greg.  Ha!

Lunch that day was at a delicious vegetarian restaurant called Quantum Leap.  Paige and I both had a quesadilla (which we should have split).  Yum!

photo 3Dinner was at Cafe Clover, which happens to be super adorable!  I wasn’t too hungry, so I had two small sides.  One was a kale salad with blood oranges, and the other was olive oil potato puree.  Can we say OMG?!  My mouth is watering just thinking about them.

photo 4Saturday morning was a simple brekkie of a soy latte and a almond croissant at Stumptown Coffee.  Not only do they make beautiful lattes, but they make a mean cuppa’ joe.  My kind of coffee!

Lunch on Saturday was a Mexican salad bowl at Dos Toros (similar style to Chipotle), with amazing habenero salsa.

photo 5…followed up by Popbar.  I am so excited that I finally got to try this place!  I had a pistachio gelato popsicle dipped in dark chocolate, covered in pistachios.  It was like a you-know-what in your mouth.  Just sayin’… 😉

For dinner, Simi met up with a friend, and Paige and I went to Whole Foods for dinner.  Side note: this was a three story Whole Foods, which to me is heaven.  Okay, I digress…I had an amazing dinner of dirty rice, vegan meatballs, and collard greens, per the suggestion of two employees.  I am SO glad I did, because it was freaking amazing.

photo 1 (2)Sunday morning we met up with a friend at The Butcher’s Daughter for brunch.  We got to sit outside and people watch (a favorite past time of mine), as well as enjoy delicious yumminess.  I had smashed curried avocado with poached eggs on grain bread, with potato hash.  How good does that sound?  We all shared a mixed berry vegan-GF muffin, too.

Paige and I had Italian (me a spinach stromboli, her a caprese slice of pizza, and a salad to share) at the airport on the way home.  Even THAT was amazing!

If you haven’t noticed, I love food.  Food is love, but it’s not all there is.  I have such an appreciation for the conversations, walks, laughs, and good times I had with my girlfriends. That, is love.

What restaurants or special spots do YOU love in NYC?  I’d love to hear!

More this week!

xo.  Jen





Hello there loves!  I have taken a bit of time off from writing on the blog, and I sure did miss it! I’ll be letting you know later this week WHY.  Super awesome stuff!  🙂

How was everyone’s weekend?  Mine was sooo amazing!  I spent Thursday through Sunday in NYC with two of my good friends, Paige and Simi, who also happen to be AMAZING health coaches.  Have you seen their life changing program Finally Free?  It’s seriously a game changer. Anyway, today I am here to share my trip in photos, and tomorrow I’ll be sharing all the yummy food we ate (and where we got it).  Soooo good!

photo 1Paige, Simi, and I.  How beautiful is this window display?

photo 2Spring has officially sprung in NYC.  Gorgeous, huh?

photo 3Washington Square Park is my favorite spot in NYC.  It’s absolutely stunning.

photo 1 (2)My girls, and I.

photo 5

photo 5 (2)Love always wins!  This is called in “love wall.”

photo 3 (2)Another Washington Square Park goodie.

photo 4 (2)Enough said.  🙂

photo 2 (2)

photo 4

photo 2 (3)My first time in Central Park.  All I expected, and so much more.

photo 1 (3)Until next time.  P.S.  JetBlue is the way to go!  Amazing flight!

Tomorrow I will be back to share more about food, and the amazing cafes and restaurants we ate at.  So good, and so intuitive!  Yay!

xo.  Jen