Good morning, and happy Friday!  By reader request, I am sharing some of my favorite solo-date ideas today!  Whether you’re single or in a relationship, I feel like taking time to do things for yourself deepens your self-care on such a rich level (here is a fun example).  Self-care is so important, bcause it nourishes your mind, body, and spirit, while helping you rejuvenate!

I like to compare self-care to the airplane demonstration.  Do you know which one I’m taking about?  When the flight attendant tells you that you need to put on your oxygen mask first, before helping others.  Well, self-care is so similar!  We must take care of ourselves (on an inner and outer level), before we can take care of others.  Let’s dive in to some examples of some of my favorite solo date ideas!

blur-old-antique-book-largeHead to your local bookstore

One of my absolute favorite things in the world is going to a bookstore (or my local library), getting a cup of coffee, and finding a cozy spot to curl up with a book.  This is SO fun for me, but also really relaxing.


There is nothing more fulfilling then giving of yourself with pure intention.  Plus, you end up meeting amazing people!  Some great places are local soup kitchens, The Boys and Girls Club, your spiritual center, and city organized events (beach clean-ups and the like).  I’ve also used Volunteer Match in the past for some really fun opportunities.

restaurant-coffee-cup-cappuccino-largeHead the coffee shop (or your own kitchen)

So simple, so perfect!  Even though coffee has caffeine, there is something about it that is so relaxing to me.  Plus, coffee brings me so much JOY!

pexels-photo-largeDo something creative

Whether it’s attending a local concert or going the museum, or picking up the paintbrush at home, creativity sparks so much happiness and brings so many therapeutic feelings (for me anyhow).

Indulge in some pampering

Ahhh!  There is nothing like relaxation!  Treat yourself and get a massage, facial, manicure, or pedicure.  Or, go all out and spend a day doing it yourself at home!  I love having spa days! 🙂

pexels-photo-12346-large (1)Sweat it out

Take a walk, attend a local fitness class, do yoga in your living room.  Sweating is good for the body, and great for the mind!

Watch a movie

Who says you need to have a date to go the theater?  I’ve seen plenty of movies at the theater by myself, and it’s fun!  If that’s not your thing, curling up on the couch is just as great!  PLUS, you can wear your jammies!

creative-desk-pens-school-largeTake a class

Into ceramics?  Try taking a pottery class at your local city college or ceramics studio?  Have you wanted to learn Photoshop, but just haven’t done it?  There are classes online!  You’re never too old (or young) to continue learning!

Go exploring

Explore your own city!  Even if you have lived somewhere for yearssss, I’m willing to bet that there is still a restaurant or park that you haven’t been to.  Go check it out!

I hope these ideas spark some inspiration for you!  How do you like to take care of yourself? What are some of your favorite solo-date ideas?

xo.  Jen