Happy Friday, friends!  I thought it would be fun to do an interview recap post today, for those that haven’t read them, and for those who want to read them again (ME!!).  Take a peek below at some of my fave Q+A’s with some incredible, powerful, and stunning women!

ashten and gatsbyAshten Giardine from Just Go Left

Bonnie and Hugh Rose March 15, 2015 Not for resale without permission Copyright Gerard Burkhart Photo 2016.Rev. Bonnie Rose from VCSL


Raquel & Marisol from She Arises

Raven1Raven Pinsker, Professional Make-Up Artist

Heisler_K_Helya031Helya Naghibi from The Studio

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetStephanie from Love Living Whole

I hope you all enjoyed this round-up of interviews with some spectacular women!  Aren’t they amazing?!  Sending you all love, and hope you have a fantastic weekend!

xo.  Jen

P.S. Don’t forget to enter Week 3 of my Holiday Giveaway for your chance to win a gorgeous Himalayan Sea Salt Lamp!


Good morning, friends!  Today I have a very special post for you.  Remember a few weeks ago when I did my first interview with the lovely ladies from She Arises?  Well, today I have my second interview for you!

Heisler_K_Helya031I am very excited to introduce YOU (my amazing readers) to Helya Naghibi!  Helya is not only a friend of mine, but I also trained privately with her before I moved away from Ventura.  One of the things that I love about Helya is that she has such a big heart, and truly wants the best for everyone.  She literally researched various exercises and modifications just for me because of my weird knees, and we would test them out together.  Helya worked with me in a gentle, yet tough way, because she has so much faith in what her clients are capable of.  I also love that she innately knows the difference between when her clients need an extra boost, and when they need to rest.

Part of why I wanted Helya here on The HHB is because she is all about balance.  She meets people where they are at, and helps them set realistic, attainable goals.  Health and happiness are high on her list, and you can really feel that when you talk with her.  Honestly, I wish she would just move into our spare room, but I think her fiancé, pups, and everyone else in Ventura may miss her.  As for now, I will settle for seeing her via social media.

If you live in the Ventura County area, I highly recommend checking out The Studio for either a private session, or one of the amazing classes.  For now, read more about Helya below.

Q + AQ: Tell us a little bit about yourself!

HELYA: Hi! My name is Helya and I’m a NASM Certified personal Trainer and I own a small boutique studio in the beautiful city of Ventura, CA.  I absolutely love what I do, I am extremely passionate about health and wellness and my clients mean the world to me.

Q: Have you always been into fitness?  If not, what inspired you to get into your healthy lifestyle?

H: Nope! I was very much a late bloomer, as some would say. I did not seriously start making changes in my life until after I had gained all of my weight and was told by my family that I no longer had the metabolism I used to have. I also saw some really awful pictures and was horrified. I started to work out, but I didn’t actually change my lifestyle until about 3 years ago.

I always wanted to “lose weight” and to me, that was healthy. But there was a point where I realized, no matter how much “weight” I lost, I could always find something else to beat myself up about. I realized that losing weight was not a goal for me; I had to love myself first and simply take care of my body. That means I have to nurture it, give it good food and move. Move it every day! And honestly, everything else just fell into place after that!

HELYA QUOTE 1Q: What was the motivation behind starting The Studio?

H: I have a confession: if you told me I would open a gym in a town where I knew no one and moved to only 3 years ago, I would call you crazy. But life is crazy! I have always known that I would work with people, I just had not realized how until I found fitness. When I took my first group class at a small gym, I was in awe of all of the amazing people around me. I then heard their stories and found my own. I started to get certifications left and right and before I knew it, I was being asked for advice, for training… and it ultimately just grew into this incredible community I now call, My Studio Squad.

PrintQ: What is your mission/goal?

H: To help people become the BEST version of themselves, because they deserve to see that, be that and live that!

Q: How do you show yourself radical self-love?

H: I truly live the life I talk about with my client. I love my body. I care for my body by nourishing it, by moving it and by living the best version of me. I call that radical self love 😉

Q: What is your favorite self-care regimen?

H: It’s been tough owning a business, I’ll admit. And there have been highs and lows, just like anything else. I make sure to set my schedule correctly so I have a day where it’s about me. I get to do whatever I want. Sometimes that means, I get to cook all day and play with my doggies. Other times, it means I get to have a glass of wine with my hunny. Whatever it is, it’s about me and no one else.

IMG_3478Q: When do you feel the most beautiful?

H: I feel the most beautiful when I’m in my element. I’m in my element when I’m training. Whether I’m with a client, a class or by myself, I feel the most beautiful when there is sweat on the floor from HARD WORK!

Q: Do you have a spiritual practice?  If so, describe it.

H: Yes, I believe in a Higher Power and I speak to Him often. I have a spiritual group I confide in and a spiritual coach I call when I need advice. It is the one thing I cannot explain, the one thing I have no words for other than… it keeps me feeling alive and sane.

Q: What does a Happy, Healthy Balance look like to you?

H: A happy, healthy balance means two things to me: 1. It means it is from the heart. As in, I truly believe in what I do day to day and it makes me happy. And 2. It is healthy in more than one way… in all ways that make me whole: mind, body and soul.

Q: Where can we find you?

A: Oh boy, so many places!




Personal – @hellyahelya

The Studio – @TheStudioVentura

Nutrition – @TheStudioNutrition

Recently I’ve joined Periscope where I can interact with my clients live while I teach them something like a new recipe or a workout, or a recovery technique.

My name on Periscope is: @Hellyahelya

Also, you can always email me:

TOP 101. What is the last meal you cooked?

H: Slow roasted garlic tomatoes and pureed into a salsa!

2. Favorite food?

H: Honestly I eat everything. Anything homemade is my fave!

3. Favorite way to indulge?

H: McConnel’s Ice cream seems to be the one right now.

4. What is your favorite way to move your body?

H: Dancing, with loud music on, all alone, at my Studio.

5. Who is your girl crush?

H: Right now, Ruby Rose! But all time crush is Mila Kunis.

6. What is your spirit animal?

H: Not sure exactly what that is, but something that flies, fast like… a hummingbird.

7. What is one of your favorite quotes?

H: “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

8. What would you name the autobiography of your life?

H: No. I don’t have a brother named Helno.

9. What is the best gift (material or not) that you’ve ever received?

H: My engagement ring – the promise to have a partner for the rest of my life.

10. What is your wish for the world?

H: My wish for the world is to live a life they are proud of.

HELYA QUOTE 2I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did.  Thank you for joining us at The HHB, Helya!

xo.  Jen