Happy Monday, friends!  How was your weekend?  Mine was full of quality time with Greg, relaxation, and lots of little to-do’s around the house.  Also, I finallyyyyy got a new phone! YAY! It was really fun taking photos with it over the weekend, so I have a bunch for you today.  Take a peek below!

IMG_0373Friday night we lounged at home, watched Netflix, had a yummy salad for dinner, then baked cookies for dessert.  SO good!



IMG_0297Saturday morning was breakfast at home, followed by a nice relaxing walk (with a coffee stop, of course).  Isn’t Charlie the cutest?  I can’t get over how sweet his little face is!



IMG_0372Saturday night we had a special date night.  For Christmas I gave Greg tickets to a play about Groucho Marx, so we made it into a special evening!  Before the play we had the yummiest cocktails and dinner at Green Street Restaurant, followed by an evening at the Pasadena Playhouse.  It’s been so much fun exploring our new town, and trying new places!  As much as I enjoyed dinner and the play, the best part was being with Greg.  That may sound cheesy, but I just feel really grateful to have such an amazing partner.  He’s a keeper for sure.

IMG_0117Sunday morning was quiet time, list making with my new journal/book, coconut milk lattes, followed by several errands.  Later in the day Emma came down, and we had dinner, watched critiqued the Golden Globes (YAY Leo!!), then booked a trip in June.  We are soooo excited! More about that later…

How was your weekend?  I hope you did (or didn’t do) exactly what you wanted!

xo.  Jen

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